Offshore Structural Analysis
What is Offshore Structural Analysis software?
Offshore engineers and structural engineers need to design, analyze, and simulate the response of offshore platforms or wind turbines for a broad range of operating conditions and capabilities. Offshore designers use offshore structural analysis software to solve the structural design of offshore structures, including oil and gas platforms and topsides of FPSOs and floating platforms. They can analyze the design-operation-decommissioning lifecycle. Offshore engineers can create designs that withstand accidental events such as pushover, ship impact, dropped objects, and blast loading. Offshore structural engineers can design vessel hulls and primary structures and perform stability assessment and motion analysis. They can design moorings, flexible risers, and fixed and floating offshore wind platforms.
What is the best structural analysis software for offshore?
Bentley’s integrated structural modeling, analysis, and simulation environment allows you to design offshore structures to meet operating conditions from wave, wind, current, and seismic loads. Ensure safety and integrity during the life of your next offshore project.
Identify failure mechanisms from a range of dynamic events including pushover, ship impact, dropped object, and blast analysis.
Design, analyze, and optimize a range of marine vessels even with the most demanding requirements.